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Episodio 16 Stagione 10 "Detour", "Deviazione"

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view post Posted on 1/3/2013, 10:01 by: harmonygirl@

CITAZIONE (Lily- @ 27/2/2013, 11:19) 
Ducky è davvero un tipo tosto :B): :corsodispari_bananarocka.gif:

ah fantastico quello che riesce a studiare, per neutralizzare i rapitori usando il cadavere e' geniale :D e poi i dialoghi tra lui e Palmer sono eccezzionali, come in ogni episodio di Binder peraltro, che a mio parere in quanto a dialoghi brillanti e' insuperabile(vedi Devil Trifecta!) e di certo sta diventando uno dei miei writer preferiti. Troppo forte anche il battibecco su chi deve usare la pistola :lol: :lol: con Palmer che pensa che Ducky sia adatto solo ad usare il moschetto :icon_rofl.gif: Fantastico anche il finale dove capiamo che i nostri due eroi avevano studiato il piano fin nei minimi dettagli, cioe' dare alla tipa la chiave dell'armadietto di Palmer in modo da poterla beccare :clap.gif: :clap.gif: :clap.gif: Davvero due agenti operativi non avrebbero potuto fare di meglio!

CITAZIONE (francicross @ 28/2/2013, 17:32) 
Of course, no self-respecting Insider’s Blog would be completely without yet another shout-out to the rest of the cast and crew. I’m sure it’s been mentioned elsewhere, but I’ll mention it again – we shoot from 7 am to 7 pm regularly. Often longer. That’s not including drive-time and any preparations that are required over the weekend. If you want to get 8 hours of sleep, you need to go to bed basically 2 hours after you get home. Barely enough time to eat, shower, and shave (legs and/or face). Which is why NCIS is more than just job…it’s a life, and has been for almost a decade for most of the cast and crew. So many of us have had kids on this show; gotten married on this show; and even lost loved ones on the show. Like a family, not everyone always gets along. But, like a family, we always have each others backs. There’s more to this story than I have space to get into but there have been some incredible acts of kindness recently in our house. And I just wanted to let you all know that love and support you see between our characters on-screen isn’t just TV fantasy. It’s just a reflection of our reality. Again, thank you for watching. Until next time…

Steven D. Binder, Co-Executive Producer

ah questo e' bellissimo :wub: :wub:
46 replies since 23/1/2013, 10:09   624 views