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Spoiler Generali Stagione 12

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view post Posted on 7/9/2014, 13:37

bene quest'anno almeno non avremo i soliti terroristi islamici, preferisco i russi anche perche' Gibbs col russo da' il massimo! :woot:
view post Posted on 11/9/2014, 08:18

Advanced Member



Question: In what episode of NCIS Season 12 will Jim Beaver be guest-starring? —JP
Ausiello: Though we don’t have the episode number, we do have a title — “The San Dominick.” And Matt Mitovich has learned that it’s the same episode that brings back fan fave Diane Neal as CGIS Agent Borin. The plot: During a joint NCIS/Coast Guard training exercise, Gibbs and Borin find a body floating in the water. Once it’s determined that the deceased was a crew member aboard a ship run by a Captain Tom O’Rourke (Supernatural alum Beaver’s role), the two decide to pay a visit to the vessel some 60 nautical miles away, to further investigate the “man overboard” situation.

Non si sa il numero dell'episodio in cui comparira' Jim Beaver ma sara' lo stesso in cui tornera' l'agente Borin e il titolo e' “The San Dominick.” Durante un'esercitazione congiunta dell' NCIS e della Guardia Costiera, Gibbs e Borin trovano un corpo che galleggia in acqua. Quando si scopre che il defunto e' un membro dell'equipaggio sulla nave comandata dal Capitano Tom O’Rourke (il ruolo di Beaver), i due decidono fi fare visita alla nave per indagare ulteriormente sulla posizione dell'uomo "in mare"
view post Posted on 11/9/2014, 10:24

grande Jim Beaver lo vedo in Supernatural :clap.gif: questo dev'essere un bell'episodio, a me Gibbs e la Borin a lavorare insieme piacciono un sacco.
view post Posted on 11/9/2014, 10:26


Lentate sul Seveso


Lo vedrei bene a scannarsi con Sharon Rydor della Crimini Maggiori....Ma non credo sarà possibile....
view post Posted on 12/9/2014, 09:21

intervista a Gary Glasberg

The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!

That's what I told NCIS Executive Producer Gary Glasberg about the start of NCIS Season 12 since we've been hearing of some actors coming on board playing Russian characters, such as Lev Gorn as a Russian Deputy Ambassador and Alex Veadov as villain Sergei Michnev.

But with McGee and Gibbs in danger in the opener, what will that adventure mean for the season ahead? And now that we're a little further away from last year's emotional departure of Ziva, is Tony back out in the dating world again? And what else did we find out about the Ducky flashback episode with guest star Adam Campbell?

All that and more was discussed with Glasberg when we talked earlier this week...

TV Fanatic: What’s been the biggest surprise so far in the process with NCIS and NCIS: NOLA since you started production on both?

Gary Glasberg: I have to say it’s really been remarkably smooth, not to jinx it. I wouldn’t say there are surprises, it’s just that getting any show off the ground. There are realizations, there are ideas that come up, you learn things about actors and characters and people’s strengths and then on top of it you’ve got a very hands-on network that’s giving you notes and really wants this to work and succeed and you’re trying to keep all the balls in the air. So it’s not so much about being surprised as it is just the amount of work and participation and creative input. It’s keeping it all going and at the end of the day meeting that September 23rd launch date.

TVF: So the new NCIS season is, basically, the Russians are coming!

GG: Well, there’s certainly a lot politically going on in that part of the world right now and it was a storyline that I was kind of drawn to for the opener and I think we came up with something that certainly is super action packed and flips McGee and Gibbs in an interesting, different scenario and we’ll have to see where it leads throughout the season.

TVF: I’m curious why it’s McGee and Gibbs on this adventure. I love that it’s McGee but I guess if I were to guess I would’ve said Tony.

GG: We all know that the Gibbs-Tony combo is an extremely strong one and we always want to do a story that often sets them off on their own. At the same time it’s really nice to have Tony to anchor things back at headquarters when something significant is going on for Gibbs and Sean [Murray] has just been so fantastic.

Last season he was amazing, this season he’s been extraordinary. You know, it’s just fun to watch Sean and Mark [Harmon] work together and this was a really challenging episode that set them out there in the woods and, even with McGee’s Boy Scout training, which has been established, gave them something fun to play. So we had a good time. It was a tough episode to film but everybody had a good time making it.

TVF: Now that Ziva is in the past a little bit more, might Tony find love or be dating this season? I know it’s a very touchy subject with the diehards fans but I feel like I have to ask.

GG: Yeah, we really touch on it in the first few episodes of the season. Tony is a smart guy and went through a really difficult year and we wrote it as a difficult year last year and did a lot of soul-searching and now it’s time for him to get back to being Tony DiNozzo and I don’t think that even Ziva David would have argued that as a friend.

Tony is going to go out and have fun and play the field and be Tony. And his friends are going to acknowledge that and comment on it and we’re writing some fun stuff. It’s not so much about locking Tony down with another woman. It’s about Tony being Tony and that’s the part that people need to embrace.

TVF: I’m guessing once Stephanie Jacobsen shows up as Leia that people might start thinking that that could be a potential relationship.

GG: Yeah, she is one of several. So it’s us having fun with the idea that we’re going to see a little bit of the old Tony DiNozzo again and hopefully everybody will have a good time with that. I think they will, and we’re having fun with it from a casting standpoint, and Michael is too…I’m very pleased with where his character is and is going six, seven episodes into season 12.

TVF: What was your biggest surprise in doing the Ducky flashback episode? Especially once you got Adam Campbell involved, who just looks so much like David McCallum it’s scary?

GG: Yeah. I have to tell you, Adam was unbelievable. I just finished spotting that episode and the flashbacks, the cutting back and forth between David McCallum and Adam, the lightness, the fun, the energy, the cutting between time differences, it all worked out great, and Leslie Libman directed and did a really terrific job and I’m really excited about the episode. I think people are going to get a huge kick out of it and it explains some things about Ducky and about his background and about his reference to his mom and to the corgis and the bowties. It’s just chock full of goodness.

TVF: Talk to me about Bishop a little bit because now that audiences have gotten used to her, what’s in store for her this season? I know she’s a big part of the Ducky episode.

GG: Starting the season off is really about Bishop grounding herself more as an agent, finding a setting as a probationary agent with the agency, proving herself more and then she goes on this fantastic trip to London with Ducky and they connect. She’s very involved with the solving of that case and then along Thanksgiving will come and for our Thanksgiving episode you’re going to meet Jake, her husband, and we’ve got all kinds of plans for Jake.

TVF La stagione in arrivo si puo' riassumere come i Russi stanno arrivando.

Glasberg-Beh, in questo momento c'è sicuramente qualcosa di molto politico in corso in quella parte del mondo, ed è una storia che mi ha attratto per la premiere e e che porta McGee e Gibbs in uno scenario interessante e diverso e staremo a vedere dove portera' nel corso della stagione.

TVF Sono curioso del perché McGee e Gibbs in questa avventura. Mi piace che sia McGee, ma cse avessi dovuto indovinare indovinare avrei detto Tony.

Glasberg-Sappiamo tutti che la coppia Gibbs-Tony è estremamente forte e abbiamo sempre voluto fare una storia che li metta a confronto. Allo stesso tempo, è stato fantastico avere Tony a condurre le cose al quartier generale quando qualcosa di importante sta succedendo a Gibbs e Sean.

La scorsa stagione Tony è stato fantastico, in questa stagione sara' straordinario. E' stato divertente guardare Sean e Mark lavorare insieme e questo è stato un episodio davvero impegnativo da filmare, con Gibbs e McGee fuori nel bosco malgrado la formazione da Boy Scout di McGee.

TVF Ora che Ziva è sempre piu' nel passato, Tony potrebbe trovare l'amore in questa stagione? So che è un argomento molto delicato per i fans irriducibili, ma lo devo chiedere.

Glasberg- Sì, tocchiamo questo argomento nei primi episodi della stagione. Tony è un ragazzo intelligente e ha attraversato un anno davvero difficile dove ha fatto un sacco di ricerca interiore e ora è arrivato il momento per lui di tornare ad essere Tony DiNozzo.

Tony sta per uscire e divertirsi . Non si tratta tanto di impegnare Tony con un'altra donna, ma piuttosto del momento in cui Tony deve essere Tony Si tratta di Tony Tony di essere e che è la parte che la gente deve abbracciare.

TVF La gente potrebbe pensare che Stephanie Jacobsen che interpretera' Leia, potrebbe essere un rapporto potenziale.

Glasberg- Sì, lei è una delle tante. Quindi vedremo di nuovo un po' del vecchio Tony DiNozzo. Sono molto contento di dov'e' arrivato il suo personaggio e di dove andra' nei primi sei, sette episodi della 12° stagione.

TVF Qual è stata la tua più grande sorpresa nel fare l'episodio a flashback su Ducky? Soprattutto con Adam Campbell coinvolto che assomiglia a David McCallum in modo spaventoso spaventoso?

Glasberg- Già. Adam e' incredibile. Ho appena guardato quell'episodio e i flashback tra David McCallum e Adam, la leggerezza, il divertimento, l'energia, tutto ha funzionato alla grande, e Leslie Libman ha fatto davvero un ottimo lavoro e sono davvero entusiasta dell'episodio. Spiega alcune cose su Ducky, sul suo background e sulla sua relazione con la madre coi corgi e col papillon.

TVF Mi parli di Bishop, cosa c'è in serbo per lei in questa stagione? So che è molto importante nella puntata su Ducky.

Glasberg- All' avvio di stagione Bishop crescera' come agente, trovando un'assetto come agente in prova, mettendosi più alla prova e poi arriva questo fantastico viaggio a Londra con Ducky. Lei si impegna molto nella soluzione del caso e poi per il nostro episodio del Ringraziamento incontreremo Jake, suo marito, e abbiamo piani di tutti i tipi su Jake.
view post Posted on 12/9/2014, 11:07

sono davvero curiosa di vedere come faranno evolvere il personaggio di Bishop e di conoscere il marito per vedere che tipo e'.
Silver Fox
view post Posted on 16/9/2014, 10:17

peccato che i passaggi di Mark siano velocissimi perche' e' bellissimo! :woot: Belli anche Pauley e Micheal.
view post Posted on 19/9/2014, 07:55

Advanced Member



Sono usciti degli spoiler su chi dalla squadra dell'NCIS andra' a New Orleans nel corso della stagione, per chi fosse interessato la discussione si trova qui
view post Posted on 19/9/2014, 15:21

che bello video della CBS :ok.gif:

CITAZIONE (accipippi @ 19/9/2014, 08:55) 
Sono usciti degli spoiler su chi dalla squadra dell'NCIS andra' a New Orleans nel corso della stagione, per chi fosse interessato la discussione si trova qui

corr leggere! Grazie acci
view post Posted on 19/9/2014, 16:48

da TvGuide

in pratica Glasberg dice le stesse cose che ho gia' postato nell'intervista a TVFanatic, in piu' specifica che conosceremo il marito di Bishop nell'episodio del ringraziamento e durante la stagione si parlera' anche dell'imminente paternita' di
Palmer e si dara' uno sguardo alla vita famigliare di Vance come padre single. Ribadisce che piu' avanti nel corso della stagione conosceremo l'ex moglie di Gibbs che non avevamo mai incontrato

Edited by accipippi - 20/7/2017, 11:27
view post Posted on 20/9/2014, 08:40

Advanced Member



grazie terry :)


NCIS Casts 24 Alum Marisol Nichols as a Blast from DiNozzo's Past

Agent Tony DiNozzo will get a very pretty blast from his Philadelphia past, when 24 alum Marisol Nichols guest-stars on CBS’ NCIS.

TVLine has learned exclusively that Nichols will appear in an upcoming episode, titled “Parental Guidance Suggested,” as Zoë Keates, an ATF Special Agent who years ago worked with DiNozzo when both were with the Philly PD.

The pair’s paths cross anew when NCIS and ATF find themselves both tracking the same terrorist.

La Nichols apparira' nell'episodio “Parental Guidance Suggested,” come Zoë Keates, un agente speciale dell' ATF che anni prima aveva lavorato con DiNozzo quando entrambi erano nella polizia di Philadelpia. Si ritroveranno quando sia l'NCIS che l'ATF daranno la caccia allo stesso terrorrista.
view post Posted on 23/9/2014, 09:12

Advanced Member



intervista di TvLine a Sean Murray dove parla della premiere e di come sia stato girarla, dell'evoluzione della dinamica tra lui e Gibbs, tra lui e Abby e tra lui e Tony, conferma che il rapporto tra lui e Delilah continua e che piu' avanti nella stagione la rivedremo inoltre dice che Glasberg quest'anno vuole tornare alla formula classica di NCIS, abbandonata nell'11 stagione :ok.gif:

NCIS' Sean Murray Previews 'Classic' Season 12, McGee/Gibbs Bonding

Coming off of what showrunner Gary Glasberg has called a “tumultuous” Season 11 — during which two casting changes took place, the seeds were planted for a New Orleans spin-off and the passing of Ralph Waite was written in — CBS’ NCIS is back in “classic” form, Sean Murray tells TVLine.

The Season 12 opener (airing Tuesday at 8/7c) thrusts Murray’s McGee into a Russian hot zone with boss man Gibbs (played by Mark Harmon), paving the way for the introduction of a new adversary. Here, Murray previews all that and more.

TVLINE | Where do things pick up when the season opens up on Tuesday night? Are McGee and Gibbs already in the thick of things?
There’s an Internet technician, an IT guy, who’s in Russia and is supposed to be delivering the body of his dead uncle back to the States. Gibbs is sent to go ahead and escort him, and he picks McGee to go along with him. And then it all happens pretty quickly. Right from the get-go they’re in Russia and in a helicopter.

TVLINE | And then things go sideways?
[Laughs] And things go sideways, yes.

TVLINE | At least looking at the previews alone it looks like quite the fun two-hander for you and Mark.NCIS Season 12 McGee Gibbs
It was. And Mark and I had a really good time doing it. I mean, we had long hours, it was a lot of outside, night, exterior nights, and forests…. But it was a good episode. We wanted to kind of connect, to show the relationship between McGee and Gibbs a little bit more, and McGee kind of in a little bit of a more mature light, if you know what I mean.

TVLINE | Because when around Tony, there’s the temptation to goof around.

TVLINE | How would you say the McGee-Gibbs dynamic has evolved over all these years?
Well, I think Gibbs has a lot of trust in McGee and allows him to take part in a number of things that the old McGee would never be allowed to do. He has run interrogations and has taken the lead on a number of investigations, and just has more to give. Gibbs is almost a father figure to us, and we’re all like his children in a way, so I think that the bond between them has sort of tightened as McGee has “grown up.” There’s been a lot of character progression, especially from the early years. I mean, if you see some of the old episodes, McGee is a different guy.

TVLINE | All told, what is your favorite relationship to play on the show?
Hmm. That’s a tough one, because it’s totally different with everyone. In Abby’s lab, McGee is a lot more kind of loosey-goosey and relaxed NCIS Season 12than he is reporting in the squad room. I really like the McGee/Tony relationship a lot; it’s one of my favorite things on the show. Bantering with Michael [Weatherly], he can be very inventive, with lots of ad-libbing, and I appreciate that. It makes for good reactions, and sometimes you get some fairly good moments out of that.

TVLINE | I know Gary Glasberg was really excited about bringing on Alex Veadov as this season’s adversary. How would you describe this recurring Big Bad?
Oh, he’s a good one. I actually just saw the [premiere] for the first time yesterday — we were kind of separated while we were shooting, so I didn’t have a lot of scenes with him — but yeah, he’s a tremendously nice guy, and when I saw the episode I thought he was just perfect. He talks very kind of low and has a real foreboding presence…. I think we got a good one.

TVLINE | Gary also has talked about how last season had to serve many different masters, and he wanted to really get back to the “classic” NCIS formula with 12. Is that something you’re seeing in the early episodes?
Definitely. We’re sort of doing the more classic, serialized version of NCIS, whereas last year we had a lot of things to sort of address with Ziva leaving and the entrance of the Bishop character. There was a lot going on last year.

TVLINE | What is the state of the McGee-Delilah union? I have to imagine she’s worried about him over there in Russia. Does she get mentioned?
I believe she does get mentioned — if not the premiere, in the second episode. But there’s plenty of talk about Delilah (played by Margo Harshman), and I think we are going to see her at some point this year. That relationship will continue, as far as I know.

TVLINE | What kind of surprises does the Ducky flashback episode (airing Oct. 7) have for us? Anything that made you go, “Wow, I didn’t expect that”?
Well, just that “going to England” in the ‘60s with these flashbacks was really fun. The team and everyone in production worked really hard on trying to make it authentic, and Adam Campbell (Mixology) as a twentysomething Ducky is just perfect. He did such a great job, not mimicking but sort of showing us Ducky as a young guy, and it works. He looks a lot like him, he sounds like him…..

TVLINE | I can almost hear, like, Austin Powers music playing in the background as you describe the episode.
[Laughs] Exactly. That’s something that was fun, to read and see happen.
view post Posted on 23/9/2014, 10:34

CITAZIONE (accipippi @ 23/9/2014, 10:12) 
inoltre dice che Glasberg quest'anno vuole tornare alla formula classica di NCIS, abbandonata nell'11 stagione :ok.gif:

Questa e' una bellissima notizia!
view post Posted on 23/9/2014, 17:07

CITAZIONE (marklover @ 23/9/2014, 11:34) 
CITAZIONE (accipippi @ 23/9/2014, 10:12) 
inoltre dice che Glasberg quest'anno vuole tornare alla formula classica di NCIS, abbandonata nell'11 stagione :ok.gif:

Questa e' una bellissima notizia!

quoto e aggiungo che se ritornassero anche un po' agli standard degli episodi(che guardo su rai due tutte le sere) delle prime serie, sarebbe ancora meglio.
view post Posted on 30/9/2014, 08:13

Advanced Member



ne erzo episodio di NCIS NOLA “Breaking Brig”, ci saranno Mark e Rocky mentre nel secondo “Carrier” ci saranno Michael, Rocky e Pauley
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