Mark Harmon forum

Episodio 16 Stagione 10 "Detour", "Deviazione"

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view post Posted on 26/2/2013, 15:49

wow che episodio ci aspetta domani! :o: Palmer e Ducky rapiti per fare un' autopsia, quale sara' il motivo? :o:

Bellissimo il video di Et con le interviste, spero che continuino a farli tutte le settimane :clap.gif:
view post Posted on 26/2/2013, 16:50

CITAZIONE (francicross @ 26/2/2013, 14:33) 

bello lo Sneak Peek e anche a me piace troppo quando fanno le interviste prima dell'epsiodio :clap.gif: Comunque non mi sembra davvero una bella situazione per il duo dicky/ palmer, chissa' perche' gli vogliono fare eseguire quella autopsia? :hmm.gif:
view post Posted on 26/2/2013, 16:55

questo episodio mi incuriosisce troppo, non vedo l'ora di vederlo!
E ci sono anche le phoof

Da Ncis Detour

Da Ncis Detour

Da Ncis Detour

Edited by francicross - 4/3/2013, 10:37
view post Posted on 27/2/2013, 11:06

:woot: :woot: l'NCIS ha due nuovi agenti operativi!!!!! :clap.gif: :clap.gif: :hurrah.gif: :hurrah.gif:

troppo forti!!! :miamivicebatticuore7yz.gif:
view post Posted on 27/2/2013, 11:19

Ducky è davvero un tipo tosto :B): :corsodispari_bananarocka.gif:
view post Posted on 28/2/2013, 17:32

Advanced Member



episodio fantastico, mi e' piaciuto da impazzire, Ducky e Palmer sono mitici e Binder e' un genio

insider's blog

Insider's Blog: "Detour"

Posted on Feb 27, 2013 12:00am

Firstly, before I write another word, a round of applause for David McCallum and Brian Dietzen. They had quite a heavy load in this episode and didn’t disappoint – not that they ever do. Watching them work made shooting long nights in the cold, dark forest actually enjoyable. Except we didn’t actually shoot in a forest – which brings me to the next awesome thing in this episode: the fake forest we built on Stage 5. Our production design team went above and beyond for this one – easily the coolest set they’ve built yet, and that’s saying a lot. Stage 5 actually looked more like a real forest than the real forest we used for a few establishing shots. Great work, guys.

The core of this episode came from a simple question: what happens on a typical day when Ducky and Jimmy Palmer drive off from a crime scene? It’s not something we ever actually see. But this time we do – though the drive home isn’t exactly typical. On this drive, Ducky and Jimmy get kidnapped by a mysterious woman and are forced to conduct their autopsy in a remote cabin. With guns pointed at their heads.

Every episode has its own unique challenges. The challenge in this episode was coming up with ways to help Ducky and Jimmy escape using only the things they had at their disposal. In this case, their expertise…and a dead body. All without being too gross. Actually, I’m not sure I succeeded on that last point (considering the source of the methane they used to make their IED). But, hey…desperate times call for desperate measures.

Other treats included working with Mario Van Peebles, who directed the episode. His enthusiasm was infectious and, as a writer himself, he had a great understanding of story. Also, I got him to autograph a Blu-ray of “New Jack City” so that was extra-specially awesome. One of the great perks of this job is, not only getting to meet, but actually work with people whose own work you admire. That was MVP.

Of course, no self-respecting Insider’s Blog would be completely without yet another shout-out to the rest of the cast and crew. I’m sure it’s been mentioned elsewhere, but I’ll mention it again – we shoot from 7 am to 7 pm regularly. Often longer. That’s not including drive-time and any preparations that are required over the weekend. If you want to get 8 hours of sleep, you need to go to bed basically 2 hours after you get home. Barely enough time to eat, shower, and shave (legs and/or face). Which is why NCIS is more than just job…it’s a life, and has been for almost a decade for most of the cast and crew. So many of us have had kids on this show; gotten married on this show; and even lost loved ones on the show. Like a family, not everyone always gets along. But, like a family, we always have each others backs. There’s more to this story than I have space to get into but there have been some incredible acts of kindness recently in our house. And I just wanted to let you all know that love and support you see between our characters on-screen isn’t just TV fantasy. It’s just a reflection of our reality. Again, thank you for watching. Until next time…

Steven D. Binder, Co-Executive Producer
view post Posted on 1/3/2013, 10:01

CITAZIONE (Lily- @ 27/2/2013, 11:19) 
Ducky è davvero un tipo tosto :B): :corsodispari_bananarocka.gif:

ah fantastico quello che riesce a studiare, per neutralizzare i rapitori usando il cadavere e' geniale :D e poi i dialoghi tra lui e Palmer sono eccezzionali, come in ogni episodio di Binder peraltro, che a mio parere in quanto a dialoghi brillanti e' insuperabile(vedi Devil Trifecta!) e di certo sta diventando uno dei miei writer preferiti. Troppo forte anche il battibecco su chi deve usare la pistola :lol: :lol: con Palmer che pensa che Ducky sia adatto solo ad usare il moschetto :icon_rofl.gif: Fantastico anche il finale dove capiamo che i nostri due eroi avevano studiato il piano fin nei minimi dettagli, cioe' dare alla tipa la chiave dell'armadietto di Palmer in modo da poterla beccare :clap.gif: :clap.gif: :clap.gif: Davvero due agenti operativi non avrebbero potuto fare di meglio!

CITAZIONE (francicross @ 28/2/2013, 17:32) 
Of course, no self-respecting Insider’s Blog would be completely without yet another shout-out to the rest of the cast and crew. I’m sure it’s been mentioned elsewhere, but I’ll mention it again – we shoot from 7 am to 7 pm regularly. Often longer. That’s not including drive-time and any preparations that are required over the weekend. If you want to get 8 hours of sleep, you need to go to bed basically 2 hours after you get home. Barely enough time to eat, shower, and shave (legs and/or face). Which is why NCIS is more than just job…it’s a life, and has been for almost a decade for most of the cast and crew. So many of us have had kids on this show; gotten married on this show; and even lost loved ones on the show. Like a family, not everyone always gets along. But, like a family, we always have each others backs. There’s more to this story than I have space to get into but there have been some incredible acts of kindness recently in our house. And I just wanted to let you all know that love and support you see between our characters on-screen isn’t just TV fantasy. It’s just a reflection of our reality. Again, thank you for watching. Until next time…

Steven D. Binder, Co-Executive Producer

ah questo e' bellissimo :wub: :wub:
view post Posted on 1/3/2013, 11:08

episodio bellissimo da qualsiasi parte lo si guardi, bello il caso, bella l'idea di metterci al centro Ducky e Palmer, bella l'ambientazione, tra l'altro ho letto adesso che Binder dice che la foresta e' stata costruita in studio :o: :clap.gif: :clap.gif: :clap.gif: , e assolutamente eccezzionale la coppia in azione per salvarsi la pelle e riuscire a scappare dai rapitori. Quello che i due, principalmente ducky, ma anche palmer riescono ad inventarsi e' assolutamento mitico, a partire da quando ducky apre il contenuto dello stomaco per far uscire dalla stanza i rapitori, alla costruzione dell'auricolare per sentire quello che i rapitori dicono fino all'elaborazione del complicato piano per ottenere l'esplosione! Fantastica anche la parte in cui sono in fuga nella foresta inseguiti dai rapitori e discutono per chi deve usare la pistola :D E il finale dove capiamo fino a che punto si e' spinto il loro piano e' eccezzionale :clap.gif: Grande Binder e grandi David(troppo bravo!) e Brian con le sue espressioni impagabili. Mi sono troppo divertita con questo epsiodio.
view post Posted on 1/3/2013, 16:58

episodio delizioso :clap.gif: Binder parte dall'idea di farci vedere cosa succede sul furgone del coroner dopo che Ducky e Palmer hanno caricato il cadavere(e gia' qui e' un capolavoro: la falange usata al posto della moneta per decidere chi deve guidare, i turni per sentire le stazioni radio, il cruciverba) per confenzionare un plot assolutamente fantastico, pieno di dialoghi eccezionali e situazioni divertenti ma anche di tensione. Tutto il piano confezionato dal dynamic duo :P e' una genialata, dalla puzza provocata di proposito, allo scioglimento delle serrature con l'acido gastrico, alla fabbricazione della "bomba" al metano, fino alla trappola finale.
Palmer "When you die, I want to dissect your brain" Ducky "I would consider it an honor and a privilege, Mr. Palmer." Palmer "Doctor, I respect you more than anyone in the world so please forgive me when I say...go to hell. I'm not leaving you"
Palmer "With a musket. Doctor, that was 50 years ago!" Ducky "It's better than your none" :lol: mitici

CITAZIONE (harmonygirl@ @ 1/3/2013, 10:01) 
CITAZIONE (francicross @ 28/2/2013, 17:32) 
Of course, no self-respecting Insider’s Blog would be completely without yet another shout-out to the rest of the cast and crew. I’m sure it’s been mentioned elsewhere, but I’ll mention it again – we shoot from 7 am to 7 pm regularly. Often longer. That’s not including drive-time and any preparations that are required over the weekend. If you want to get 8 hours of sleep, you need to go to bed basically 2 hours after you get home. Barely enough time to eat, shower, and shave (legs and/or face). Which is why NCIS is more than just job…it’s a life, and has been for almost a decade for most of the cast and crew. So many of us have had kids on this show; gotten married on this show; and even lost loved ones on the show. Like a family, not everyone always gets along. But, like a family, we always have each others backs. There’s more to this story than I have space to get into but there have been some incredible acts of kindness recently in our house. And I just wanted to let you all know that love and support you see between our characters on-screen isn’t just TV fantasy. It’s just a reflection of our reality. Again, thank you for watching. Until next time…

Steven D. Binder, Co-Executive Producer

ah questo e' bellissimo :wub: :wub:

davvero! Mi commuove :wub:
Silver Fox
view post Posted on 2/3/2013, 11:46

troppo forte questo episodio, mi e' piaciuto, e mi ha divertito moltissimo, Ducky e Palmer insieme sono fortissimi e molto pericolosi! Basta guardare cosa riescono a combinare, possono davvero essere promossi ad agenti operativi, riescono a costruire una bomba con un cadavere e mettono su una trappola finale degna di Gibbs!Bellissime le scena nella foresta, i dialoghi e il super sorriso finale di Gibbs. Divertente anche tutto il battibecco di Tony e McGee sui biglietti
view post Posted on 2/3/2013, 13:58

Ducky e Palmer insieme sono mitici, in questa circostanza sono addirittura fantastici :clap.gif: episodio davvero bellissimo e divertente anche se non manca la tensione. E' stata una idea fantastica quella di metterli al centro di un caso, e' stato lo spunto per dar vita ad un duetto divertentissimo, ma anche per dimostrare che potrebbero benissimo fare glia agenti :P a parte che forse prima dovrebbero prendere lezioni di tiro :lol: Molto bella anche la parte precedente al rapimento quando ci mostrano come passano il tempo mentre tornano col cadavere :clap.gif: :clap.gif:
view post Posted on 3/3/2013, 10:02

"Falange inferiore o falange superiore?" :lol: :lol: :lol: troppo grandi Ducky e Palmer, bellissimo e divertente episodio, davvero una bellissima idea quella di incentrare un episodio su di loro, e la loro intesa, pur con qualche spassosissimo battibecco, tipo quello su chi deve sparare, e' fantastica. Mi e' piaciuto tantissimo :ok.gif:
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